So I was able to see a movie on the last 3 days of my movie pass, which expires on March 16th. I watched movie #164 Apollo 11, a documentary about the Apollo 11 mission to land on the Moon in July of 1969. This was an amazing movie. It was mainly just watching the the actual footage and the conversations from mission control and the Apollo 11 rocket from preparation to launch, through the whole mission of landing on the moon to the splashdown back on earth. The footage was amazingly clear, you could tell it was old film, but the quality was amazing. Some of the footage has never been seen before by the general public. The music that was added also did a great job to adding a little tension at various times, such as landing on the moon, and taking off again, and even at the splashdown back on earth. Some of the scenes showed the footage being broadcast to earth side by side, with footage from the lunar module, which was clearer that what was shown on TV in 1969. I remember watching the moon landing on TV in 1969, but not really realizing the accomplishment that was actually happening. If you grew up in the 70s, with all of the various space toys, or if you are looking for a documentary about the first moon landing, then I would definitely check this one out.