Watched movie #161 Glass. The third movie that ties Unbreakable to Split, continues a couple years after split where David Dunn from Unbreakable tries to stop the Beast from Split and both are captured and moved to the same mental hospital as Mr. Glass and work with a physiatrist who specializes in a disorder when people believe they have super powers. I really liked this movie. I thought it did a great job of melding the two movie together, and continuing the origin story. A lot of reviewers did not like this movie, but I thought it was good. I was OK with how it ended, and where they took the characters, were other reviewers said they did not know how to end the film, but I thought they did a good job. If you are expecting a superhero movie, this is not it, but it continues the origin story from the two movies. The acting by James McAvoy, is amazing in the scene where he is switching between the various multiple personalities of his character. I also enjoyed seeing how the David Dunn character had progressed from the original movie, and it was fun to see they brought back the child actor who played his son in the original to reprise his role. It was also fun to see some deleted scenes from Unbreakable that would added to this film to continue to the story. I saw another review that did not like how the movies explains Superhero movies, saying we have all seen them and know this information, but it didn’t bother me,as it was similar to how the story was explained in Unbreakable. The ending is not how I would have ended it, but I did think it was appropriate to the story. If you liked Unbreakable, which I did, and split, then I would definitely check this one out, and as long as you are not expecting a superhero movie, you will probably like it too. The credits are interesting to watch, as they show scenes from the two movies, but there is no additional scene at the end.
Update, I actually saw Glass again, so it is both movie 161 and 162.