Watched movie # 158 Creed 2. Boxer Adonis Creed, son of Apollo Creed, who just won the heavyweight championship of the world, against the wishes of his coach Rocky Balboa, decides to fight the son of the man to killed his father in a fight back in 1985. I liked this film. It was exactly what I expected it to be, another Rocky film. Was it a great film, no, but it was entertaining, and similar to the other Rocky films. I never saw Creed, so I’m not sure how it compares to this one, but it had the same type of story and feel that the original rocky films had. It was predictable, but it was still entertaining. The fight at the end of the film was fun and intense at times, and they even played some of the original Rocky theme music. The movie also dealt with father/son relationship struggles with all of the characters, Adonis with his dead father, and the birth of his new daughter, Rocky and his son and grandson, and even Ivan Drago and his son, and they all seem to resolve their issues at the end. If you liked the movie Creed or the original Rocky films, then I would check it out, It’s not the best film, but very comparable to the other rocky films.