Watched movie #152 Venom. Journalist Eddie Brock, while investigating the CEO of the Life Corporation, who is doing experiments on homeless people, ends up being joined to an Alien named Venom, and they fight together to stop another alien from taking over the world. This is an origin story of the character Venom from Spider-Man and its own comic books. I liked the movie. I thought it was fun. It’s rated PG-13, so some of the violence for the character is not as graphic as you would expect. For example, he does eat some people, but you only see him open his mouth, and its off screen, and even in the fight scenes you do not see any blood. I think this was done to make it a little more family oriented, but note it does have violence for little kids. I though the interaction between Eddie and Venom was also great, and almost seemed like a buddy picture, so there are some funny one liners. They did leave it open for a sequel, but who knows. It also kind of reminded me of a less violent version of the movie Upgrade with a bigger budget. There is a lot of CG in the movie, and it is done very well. If you do go see the movie, make sure you stay through the credits, there are two extra scenes, one in the middle of the credits, related to the movie, and then at the very end of the credits, a 5 minute preview of the animated Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse movie that is coming out in December. So was it a great movie, no, but I did have fun which is what movies are all about. If you like Spider-Man, or Anti-heros who become heros, then I would check it out.