Lately I seem to be obsessed with YouTube. I seem to login almost everyday and just look at various videos. I watch old made for TV movies, I learned how to souve steak and cheesecake. I learned how to make diner hash browns, how a metal 3d printer works, and various other things. I also have watched movie reviews and any new videos my nephew RedKB has posted. The other day I was trying to think of ways I can be on youtube. The problem is I don’t have a specific thing that I would like to talk about for hours on end. I thought about creating videos on the cameras that I have collected. I could do a video on each one and talk about the camera and how to use it. The problem is I don’t know that much about them, so I probably wouldn’t be that informative. Maybe I can do package opening videos. I get packages from Amazon all the time and I open them up, maybe I can film myself doing that? I’m just not sure I could be as excited as most of the package open youtubes when I open up a package of something that I ordered. So maybe I should sign up for one of these mystery boxes. That way I would be surprised. I decided I would sign up for a new box service called www.a-box.com, they do movie boxes. When I got my first box, I was excited, and opened the box, although without filming, I was a little excited, but not too much. Most of the items in the box where things that I don’t really collect, so I wasn’t too excited. The next month I got a new box, but still did not film the opening. So maybe opening boxes is not for me either. So I was trying to think of something else. I had heard that some people do videos of themselves just eating food. Sounds strange, but it’s a big thing that started in Korea and its called Mukbang which is where the host eats large quantities of food while interacting with the audience. I though here is something I can do, I eat every day. I can just film myself eating and talking about what I did for the day, or why I am eating the food that I am eating. So I decided to check out some of these Mukbang videos, also know as Gastronomic Voyeurism. OK, some of these are really strange. First they are eating large quantities of food. I thought I eat a lot, but I’m talking 4 pizzas, and huge plates of chili cheese fries, I even saw someone eat 48 pieces of Kentucky Fried Chicken (well I only saw them eat 2 plates of chicken, I never finished watching it). Then some were even more strange, where someone just whispered the entire time while eating food from Sonic, a little creepy. They also have some where there is no talking, just close ups of their mouths and food chewing sounds. I was a little creeped out, I think there was something very creepy about that one. So maybe eating on camera is not for me. Another ideas was for a show called “Watching Movies with Dave” where we can watch a movie together and I can talk about the movie while I’m watching it. I could also eat snacks while watching it as well, maybe get some of the Mukbang crowd. The problem with this is first you would have to have your own copy of the movie as I can’t show it online, also do people want to hear me talk though the whole movie? Don’t most people get mad at people when they talk during a movie, and the other issue, is who wants to watch a youtube video that goes for 2 hrs or so. Maybe I could do move trailers and call it Trailers with Dave. This is be faster and I can give my review of the trailer after. I’ll have to check on that one. So is youtube calling for me? I’m not sure, but you never know, maybe one day I will be the next youtube sensation, next to RedKB.