Have you ever heard from someone that they say they can tell when it’s going to rain, because their hip or foot hurts? I used to think they were just telling me a story, but now I believe them. A few years ago, I fell down the stairs, and broke 3 bones in my left foot. My foot is fine now, but every once in a while, my foot aches. I always thought it was strange, and wondered, what did I do to my foot, and why does it hurt? It would only hurt for a little while, and then go away. I just thought that I must have strained it or something, but then I started to notice that every time it happens, it seems to rain a few hours later. That’s weird. I thought it must be a coincidence, since my foot doesn’t hurt every time it rains; it just rains every time my foot hurts. The other day, I was at Mike and Di’s and I went to Costco to look at a Pool (no I didn’t buy it), and while I was walking through the store, my foot was aching. I thought oh my rain sensor is going off, it’s going to rain. When I got back to Mike and Di’s, I told them it’s going to rain, and they said sure it is. Then that night, on my way home, guess what, it started to rain. So I guess I can predict the weather, but not always. My foot doesn’t always hurt when it’s about to rain, if it did, I would be going to the doctor and have it looked at, but when it does, I know it will be raining somewhere. Now if I stub my toe, does that mean I can make it rain?
14 Jun 2011Funny! I used to be able to tell when a Santa Ana wind was coming. The new allergy medicine I take now prevents that.