The other day I was over at my niece and nephews (Brenda and Nathan) house for dinner and she asked me if I had heard of Moviepass. Her friends have it and to see a lot of movies together. She said it for a monthly cost and you could go to 1 movie a day. When I got home, I looked it up and it was currently only 7.95 a month, but you had to sign up for a full year. It said that you can see one movie a day every day, and it could be any movie as long as it was a 2D move, not 3D or Imax, or a special event, like fathom events. So for 7.95 a month, I could see 365 movies in one year. I had just gotten laid off, but I thought I could use this if I have to work were I have a commute and then just watch a move and then drive home without traffic,and in the meantime I can see a move each day while I look for a job. So I ordered one, and received it 2 weeks later. When I looked at and realized that I could see 1 move a day for a year, I thought, could I see 365 movies? Of course I could, I love going to the movies and how hard would it be to see one movie a day. It would be a fun adventure, and get me out of the house every day, so why not. So I have decided to start my adventure of seeing 1 movie a day for the next year. Lets see how it works out.