Watched movie #98 Race 3 in Hindi with English subtitles. A family of an arms dealer is working to blackmail politicians for land in their countries, but sometimes family can also be the enemy. I did not see race 1 or 2, so i was a little confused who everyone was at the beginning. I still don’t know why its called Race 3 as there was no car or horse racing or what they were racing for, maybe it was in the first one. There were fight and gun scenes like out of the Matrix, in slow motion, car and motorcycle chases, things blowing up, and then musical numbers throughout. So action adventure and music videos, i guess it was Bollywood? I actually kind of liked it, it was entertaining, although i think i missed some of the subtitles. If you like musicals with gunfights, chase scene, and blowing things up, then maybe check it out. They did blow up the car i liked in the movie, a Bugatti (unusually around 3 million ) hope it wasn’t real.
- David Reimer
- June 20, 2018
- Movies