Watched movie #86 Hereditary with my nephew Dann Teng-Lee Dempsey. After the matriarch of a family passes away, the family learns secrets about their ancestry. This movie was Ok but not great. The acting by Toni Collette was amazing, she carries the movie. Milly Shapiro and Alex Wolff are also very good, but Gabriel Byrne seems to to phone it in halfway through the movie, i think he even losses his American accent. This was supposed to be a very scary movie, but i did not find it scary at all, but it does have some disturbing scenes. Most reviews i have looked at for this movie called it amazing and the scariest film since the Exorcist, but i don’t think so. The camera work and style was good, which i think may be why people are saying it’s a great movie, but i still think the story was weak. Most likely i won’t watch it again unless it shows up on Netflix. I would probably wait unless you are a big horror fan or want to see some great acting by Toni Collette.