Watched movie #84 Indiana Jones and the temple of Doom 1984 on classic film Wednesday. The second adventure of Indiana Jones where he crash lands in India and helps a village rescue their children and their scared stone from the temple of Doom. I had fun with this movie, i saw the original in the theater in 84, but i think i have only watched this one a couple times as the 1st and 3rd films are better. It was still good and fun to try and remember what happens, i did jump once. I also noticed the club at the beginning was called Club Obi Wan. At the theater the owner thanked everyone for coming, about 200 people were there, and gave movie passes to a WWII veteran who was there and people dressed up like Indiana Jones. If you have not seen any of these movies, i would definitely check them out, starting with Raiders of the lost ark. They are fun adventures that still work today.