Watched movie #83 Blazing Saddles
A satirical take on westerns, where a railroad worker becomes the first black sheriff of a town where the railroad wants to takeover and run the railroad through it. I never saw this movie before, but apparently everyone else in the theater had as they applauded when the title came on the screen. I was initially shocked at all of the racial slurs in the first 10 minutes and then was trying to understand what everyone was laughing at. I guess its not my type of comedy. The only part i thought was funny was Madeline Kahn’s part in the movie, i have always thought she was funny in every movie i have seen her in. If you have not seen this movie, be warned there is a lot of racial slurs throughout the movie and a lot of slapstick comedy. At least i can say i saw it, but i probably won’t watch it again.