Watched movie #51 Bad Samaritan with Dann and Albert.  A valet breaks into a man’s home and discovers a terrified woman who’s chained and gagged. After notifying the police, he soon becomes the target of the psychopath’s wrath as he tries to rescue the victim that he left behind. So he was being a Good Samaritan by calling the police, but since he was a thief, he is bad, which I guess is the reason for the title.  Not the best movie, as some of the jump scares were predicable, and at one point is was almost comical, but I did have fun with this movie.   It might have been the company I was with.   The actor who played the psycho was a little intense, but the plot needed work and was a little predictable.  If you like this type of movie, I would probably wait for it to come to video.

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