So Moviepass has restricted me to 3 movies a month, even though I paid for 1 year of unlimited movies, which should be 1 move a day each day for 1 year.
I have more than made my money back, so now I need to decide do I stick with the plan for 3 movies a month, or cancel by August 31st and get my unused months paid back, but I could not resign up for 9 months. My initial thought is to cancel, but there are a lot of movies I still want to see and I have more than made my money back. I have a couple of days to decide. After thinking about it, it would cost me more than what I would get back to see 3 movies a month for my remaining year, so I will keep the plan. Also, since Moviepass has lied to me before (they said my plan won’t be changed until my renewal date, which is March of 2019, but then they went ahead and moved everyone to the 3 a month plan), so I don’t believe them that they would even give me my money back. Most likely I won’t resign up in March. Maybe I will check out the AMC Alist plan where you get 3 movies a week for 20.00 a month. I guess we will see.