Watched movie #139 The Spy who Dumped Me with Erin Cochrane and Jaclyn Searles. Audrey and Morgan, two best friends are caught in an international conspiracy when Audrey discovers her boyfriend who just dumped her is a spy. This movie was very funny, Kate McKinnon steals the show with her one liners and her acting throughout the movie. Mila Kunis is good too, but not as funny and quick witted as McKinnon. The action was also good, but a little more violent than you would expect in a comedy. It’s also rated R so there is a lot of language and some nudity. Was it the best comedy if the year, i don’t think so, but it was a fun ride and would probably be a fun ladies night out movie. If you like comedy and action then i would check it out or wait till its on TV to see the edited version.