Watched movie #128 Unfriended: Dark Web. After finding a laptop in the lost and found at the coffee shop he works in, the guy decides to play an online game with 5 of his friends, and then shows them a disturbing video he finds on the laptop, when suddenly the owner of the laptop connects in and wants the laptop back and tells everyone he will kill them if they disconnect or call the police. This was a bad movie, its 1 hour and 28 minutes of my life i will never get back. First this movie is very boring and not scary for a horror film. The first 20 minutes of the film has virtually no dialogue, and is just the guy logging into various apps by replacing the login with his logins. Then when the so called action starts, its not very scary and not very likely possible. Even the way the people are killed is not very imaginative and you don’t really have any feelings for the characters. Apparently this is a sequel to Unfriended, which is basically the same plot, but a ghost is killing everyone instead of psycho killers. Don’t waste your money on this one, most likely it will be on Netflix in 2 weeks.