So I decided to write a blog, but what do I write about? A friend of mine said that I should blog about SAP and give programming tips to become an expert in the field. Sure that would help with my career, but that’s not very fun, and if I want to use a blog to help define me as an expert, it probably shouldn’t be my first blog. I could talk about what is going on in my life, or about the last book that I read (yes, Dave can read). OK I can read, but I usually don’t read for fun. I remember one time I was at Cost Co, and I was looking at the books, and I thought, “I’m going to buy a book and read it”. Everyone I know loves to read, so maybe I just need to try it again. So I bought a book that looked interesting, and as soon as I got home, I sat on the couch and started reading. Page one chapter 1. The book started by describing the main character, page two, still introducing the main character, page 3, still the introduction, page 4, OK, this is just not moving fast enough. Let’s see what is on TV. Hey look, its a move based on the book I just bought. Well I guess it’s fate, why read the book, when I can just watch the movie and find out what happens at a faster pace.
Well maybe blogging about the last book I read is not for me. How about blogging about Movies or TV? That seems more like something I would like to blog about. I could give reviews of the latest movies I have seen, or talk about the TV shows I watch, or about the old TV shows I loved to watch when I was a kid, or even about Made for TV movies of the 70’s, the best of both worlds. Maybe I could talk about how I like to look up things from the past on the Internet. I don’t mean things back in history, I mean things from my childhood, such as what ever happened to Post Fortified Oat Flaks Cereal, or Koogle peanut butter spread by Kraft, and can I purchase them online? Well for those who don’t know what Post Fortified Oat Flakes are, it was the best cereal in the world. An Oat Flake cereal with Malt flavoring. If you search the net, you will find lots of websites dedicated to this cereal, about people who miss it and are asking Post to bring it back. I remember one quote where someone said “I would search the cereal aisles every time I would go to a new store, looking for that familur Yellow box”. That’s strange, that is what I would do whenever we were on vacation, driving to Toronto Canada from California, every time we stopped at a grocery store. I never thought I was that obsessed with the cereal, but maybe I am. Koogle was a peanut butter that had different flavours, such as Chocolate, Banana, Cinnamon, and my favorite Vanilla. If you search YouTube, you can find commerials about these products.
So I guess we will see what I decided to write about, maybe all of these topics, or maybe something different. Well, who knows, we shall see.
23 May 2011fun dave!
23 May 2011Cool Dave! I would read your blog!
23 May 2011Cool DAVE!!! Let’s hear about Pirates? Transformers?
23 May 2011I agree you should write about things from our childhood…I miss Fortified Oat Flakes too!
25 May 2011Good job! I have heard you make comments about reading before…the book is usually better!
27 May 2011Dave actually read’s? That’s strange I’ve never seen you read….
27 May 2011I read my Blog