Watched movie #4 A Wrinkle in Time. Meg and her brother have been missing their Father who mysteriously disappeared 5 years ago. They find out that he traveled to another world through a portal, and decide to see if they can find him. Along with Meg’s classmate Calvin, the 3 are guided by the three mysterious astral travelers known as Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which, as the children brave a dangerous journey to a planet that possesses all of the evil in the universe. This movie is based on a children’s book, and I felt it was tailored towards a younger audience. The script was a little slow and the story line was a little confusing at times, possibly due to editing. Visually it is a very stunning movie and would probably make more sense if you read the book beforehand. If you like visually stunning movies with a lot of CG, then I might check it out, or wait till you can stream it.